Health, Wellness & Beauty
Find answers to practical information on emergency numbers, English speaking doctors, our favorite wellness centers and more!
Who do I call in an emergency? Emergency numbers in Italy are:
112: This is a national emergency number that will put you in contact with police (Carabinieri), ambulance or fire fighters
118: Ambulance (Pronto Poccorso)
115: Fire fighters (Vigili del Fuoco)
113: Police (Polizia)
Where is the main hospital in Parma?
The Hospital is called Ospidale Maggiore - contact information can be found here.
Pediatric information:
Pediatric Ward Ospedale Maggiore: New Padiglione/Building Pediatria tel. 0521.702275. You can enter from via Abbeveratoia.
Pediatric emergencies: Pronto soccorso OR Accettazione pediatrica (ground floor, Pediatric Building). You can enter from via Abbeveratoia.
Most pediatric emergencies will be treated in the Pediatric Ward, and not Urgent Care. However, head injuries or life-threatening conditions may be required to go to the Emergency Room first.
What is a Tessera Sanitaria and do I need one (info also found in Bureacracy)?
Tessera Sanitaria, also known as a Health Card, is issued to individuals who are eligible for the benefits of the Italian National Health Service.
Citizens and permanent residents are eligible for a Health Card.
To get one you must have a Codice Fiscale and be registered with AUSL, the local health authority.
You must also have a work contract (or a spouse with a work contract) that shows that your employer pays the medical cover charges to the government.
Click here for more information on getting your health card.
Local AUSL offices can be found on their website.
English Speaking service providers:
Palestra (Gym):